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What is bioDensity™?
The bioDensity™ system is designed to increase bone density, muscle fiber density and connective tissue density through impact loading of the body in four directions. The bioDensity™ system provides the safest way to apply an impact load to the body that is self-loaded and variable.
How safe is bioDensity ™?
bioDensity™ was designed to be safe, effective and an efficient way to increase bone density, muscle tissue density and connective tissue density. During a bioDensity™ session each participant is positioned in the strongest biomechanical position to produce force in four different directions. This positioning ensures the body can safely withstand the load being created during the activity. Also, the system is self-loaded so each person dictates the force that is applied (i.e. you are withstanding the load that you, yourself, produce).
How long does it take to complete a bioDensity™ session?
Your first bioDensity™ session will take approximately 30-45 minutes to complete. The session can be completed in street clothes (it is suggested that high heeled shoes not be worn). All subsequent sessions take less than 15 minutes.
What will I "feel" before and after the bioDensity™ session?
During the bioDensity™ session you will be asked to produce maximal force for five seconds in four positions. The force that you produce would be equivalent to pushing an object of significant weight and size in four different directions: (1) forward using your hands; (2) forward using your feet; (3) upward using your knees and (4) upward using your arms and legs together. After completing a bioDensity™ session you will feel like you've completed physical work. You will feel warm (from increased blood circulation and work completed by the muscles) and you will notice an improvement in your posture (from the decompression of the spine and joints from the impact loading). Within 24 hours you will feel muscular fatigue but not soreness.
Will my muscles feel "sore" after doing a bioDensity™ session?
Unlike traditional weight training, you should not experience the muscle soreness that is usually associated with that type of work. Because each position only requires five seconds of maximal work, your body will not produce the byproducts that cause muscle soreness.
What does the bioDensity™ report tell me?
The bioDensity™ report is a visual representation of the average maximal loads reached during each bioDensity™ session. In each graph (Chest Press, Leg Press, Core Pull and Vertical Lift) you will see your baseline reading and the last ten sessions recorded. The report will also document your overall increase in bone performance from your first session to the last and provide feedback and tips on your improvement after each session.
I have joint problems; will the bioDensity™ system hurt me?
With few exceptions the answer is no. Because there are no movements in the exercises done with the bioDensity™ system, the chances of hurting the joints are greatly minimized. There is limited joint pressure, and therefore the chances of injury are lessened greatly when training in the range of motion that bioDensity™ equipment uses. It is always advisable to speak to a trainer to review your health history and concerns before starting any new form of exercise.
I have had back injuries and/or surgeries before; will this prevent me from using the bioDensity™ system?
As with all exercises followed by surgery, this system should only be used with a physician’s approval. However, for the most part, the bioDensity™ system is safe to use for everyone. It is important to keep in mind that unlike conventional weight lifting, there is no load being imposed on the body; everything is created by the individual. Using the bioDensity™ system will safely strengthen and stimulate growth of the surrounding muscles in the spine, which is very important for those who have had back injuries and/or surgeries.
Will taking time off, such as going on vacation for a month, result in the loss of all gains?
No! There is a fitness myth that you lose muscle within 72 hours, but this is only true of blood displacement or sarcoplasmic hypertrophy which is the result of conventional weight lifting. All gains from using the bioDensity™ system are much longer lasting. Clients have been known to take months off and return to make greater strength gains.
How soon does a client see results?
A client sees results within one week. A client’s exercise data is recorded from the first session and at every subsequent session. When a client comes in for their second session, usually after a week, that exercise data is saved and compared to their first session. This data appears in the form of a graph, tracking the strength increases the client has achieved.
What is the ultimate goal when using the bioDensity™ system?
The ultimate goal is to achieve your genetic potential. The idea is to become as strong as you possibly can be. This means building the strongest muscular and skeletal system possible, along with maximum tendon and ligament strength
Does age affect one’s ability to use the bioDensity™ system?
No. Clients’ ages have ranged from 11-90 years of age. Because bioDensity™ is about self- imposed load, it is safe for anyone to use. Age does not limit one from engaging in this exercise. An individual only performs to their maximum ability
SOURCE: https://www.injuryresources.com/ckfinder/userfiles/96822/files/bioD FAQs.pdf